Thursday, February 4, 2010

$10 Still Life

This was just from a still life i just did for class. I wanted to have it look like a shady woman going though her purse and in the end you see she's a little torture. It was pretty much very uber simple lighting. It was a large spot tungsten off right on the table pointing down onto the table on there I wanted to highlight. Basically it's $10 worth of crap made into a half decent picture.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Last post of the day. I just wanted to feel like I had a good amount of work on here. This is something I did on my own free time, as opposed to the picture before. The picture before is from a class assignment used in a contest. This was a shoot for a friend who is in the construction business. He needed a picture for his website and brochure. Very basic all around lighting nothing too fancy. I had a hard time picking which images were my favorite. I think they're all strong in their own way.


This was from an earlier shoot last week. It was entered in a contest and didn't win, but I am still very fond of it I think its an amazing set and they all work together. I do think that I would change some things. I used a Cannon 5D Mark II and some tungsten hot lights. If you want I'd be more than happy to let you know my lighting set ups. I don't think they're too complicated, but i think with this shoot they're dramatic enough. I want to work on doing some soft lighting and other things. At some point I might post the individual pictures.

Woo! Blogging!

So this is my first blog! WOO!!! My name is Victoria Campanario Araica, but professionally I go as Vikki Campanario. I am a second year Advertising Photography major at RIT. I dream of going into fashion photography, but lately I have been dabbling in a few different kinds of photography. I feel that I can learn more about people in a photograph than they let out in words sometimes. I hope to share ideas for new or upcoming shoots of mine and show work that I really admire. I will also post pictures of mine that I have shot that I'm particuarly fond of. I'm always looking for new work, so feel free to email me at!